Tuesday 24 September 2013

Could Daniel Bryan be the next Roster Locker Leader?

The September 16 episode of Monday Night Raw provided the perfect launching point for Daniel Bryan to assume the role of locker room leader in his war with the corrupt, power-hungry COO Triple H, his wife Stephanie McMahon, hand-picked champion Randy Orton and henchmen The Shield.

After weeks of being threatened with disciplinary measures, including termination, popular stars such as Rob Van Dam, Dolph Ziggler and the Prime Time Players (among others) cleared the ring of Orton, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns before hoisting Bryan on their shoulders in a display of unbridled support for the former two-time WWE champion.

It was a moment that had taken weeks to build to. For weeks following SummerSlam, Triple H forced Superstars onto the stage to watch as he made an example of Bryan, often instructing The Shield and a reluctant Big Show to assault the biggest threat to what the COO deemed was "best for business."

Whenever someone stood up to him or spoke their mind, Triple H had no problem toying with their lives, whether it be the continued humiliation of Big Show or the public firing of Cody Rhodes, just days before his wedding.

Wife Stephanie even got in on the act, manipulating Big Show, who we are asked to believe lost his entire fortune and is in desperate need of money. She was also behind the act that may very well have proven to be the emphasis for the locker room revolution.

Her disrespect of Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes and the way she forced Big Show into deciding his fate was exactly the kind of emphasis for those who had previously feared for their job security to rise up and fight back.

With so many stars standing up in the face of almost certain punishment at the hands of Triple H, Stephanie and their cohorts, it is time for the fearless Daniel Bryan to assume the role as leader of the revolution.

The role would solidify Bryan as the unquestioned leader of the locker room, at least in terms of the on-screen product, and would continue to strengthen his status as the top babyface in the company. For so many stars to look to him to represent them in the war against demanding authority, fans would immediately recognize the importance of Bryan.

Most importantly, it would allow him to shed the label of "plucky underdog" and assume that of the company's elite in-ring performer who rages against the authority figures who question his ability to leave the company.

For him to be considered a legitimate top star by even the harshest of critics and most casual of fans, he must be presented as being on the level of his greatest rival, Triple H.

With the backing of several prominent babyfaces (and Justin Gabriel), he has the opportunity to be immediately elevated to that level. No longer will he be the top babyface until John Cena gets back or until CM Punk gets involved in the angle. Instead, he will be perceived to be equal to those two major stars.

With top stars The Undertaker's and Triple H's in-ring careers winding down and the company's inability to always count on The Rock or Brock Lesnar to deliver a big buyrate, creating a new top-level star is imperative.

The build to Bryan's ascension has been great so far.

The added element of his leadership of the locker room revolt would speed up the process. 

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