WWE Hell in a Cell Results
The opening hype video for the three big matches is shown. The opening pyro explodes and we soon go down to ringside with Michael Cole, who welcomes us to the show. He is joined as always by JBL and Jerry “The King” Lawler.
The WWE Tag Team Championship Match will start things off tonight. Cody Rhodes and Goldust come down to the ring with their tag team championships around their wastes. They have new remixed entrance music.
A recap of The Shield’s tag team title loss is shown.
The Usos make their way down to the ring after doing their Samoan battle dance. The crowd is behind them as much as they are The Rhodes Boys.
The Shield comes through the crowd and makes their way down to the ring. Dean Ambrose is not with Roman and Seth. It is now official, Dean Ambrose will face Big E. Langston for the United States Championship.
WWE Tag Team Championship Match
The Rhodes Brothers (c) The Usos vs. The Shield
Goldust and Seth Rollins start things off in the ring but Seth quickly tags one of the Usos. Cody tags in and it met with a Crucifix by one of the Usos for two. Jimmy Uso slams Cody to the ring but Cody is able to power through and tag in his brother Goldust. Jey is brought into the ring. Roman blind tags Jey and now Goldust is taking a beating from The Shield. Rollins boots Goldust in the head as he was leading near the apron. Goldust tries to tag in Cody but Seth elbows Cody out of the picture. Roman is now in the ring with Goldust and puts him in a neck lock submission. Baseball slide for 2 by Goldust. Roman begins to stomp on Goldust as he tries to tag in Cody. Goldust is hit with a big elbow for two.
A DDT plants Roman and Goldust tries to make the hot tag to his brother but Seth Rollins takes him out of the ring. Roman comes charging and Goldust pulls down the ropes. Roman is back into the ring with a Back Drop Suplex on Goldust. Roman and Rollins taught Goldust and the fans. Goldust hits a huge powerslam and makes the hot tag to his brother. Cody with a missle dropkick and a sunset flip for two. He goes up top and hits a moonsault for two on Rollins. Cody goes for the Disaster Kick but misses. Jimmy makes the blind tag and hits Rollins with the Saoan Ass Thrust. Jey with a HUGE Samoan Drop to Rollins for two. Cody makes a tag and goes for CrossRhodes on Rollins but it is reversed.
Cody and Rollins are on the top rope and Cody suplexes Rollins onto the floor, taking our EVERYONE in the match! Jimmy hits the Top Rope splash to break up the tag. Cody again misses the Disaster Kick but Cody hits Rollins with a right hand and Cody nails Seth with CrossRhodes for the win.
Your Winners and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: The Rhodes Brothers
Backstage, HBK is shown to laughing and joking around with HHH.
A video for John Cena’s video game App is shown.
The Miz makes his way down to the ring. He told Vickie Guerrero on the YouTube Pre-Show that if she would not make a match with him and Bray Wyatt, then he would just fight him.
The Miz tells Bray Wyatt to come and get him. Bray Wyatt appears on the big screen and tells The Miz that his words mean less than salt to him.
In the ring, Roman and Harper are in the ring and begin to dismantle The Miz. KANE makes his way down to the ring and takes out The Wyatts. Kane chokeslams The Miz for good measure.
Summer Rae and Fandango make their way out of the ring.
Fandango cuts a promo about how the fans don’t know how to salsa dance…yes…really. Fandango and Summer Rae begin to dance.
The Great Khali, Natalya, and Hornswoggle come out and it appears that we have a mixed tag team match.
Mixed Tag Team Match
Fandango and Summer Rae vs. The Great Khali and Natalya
Fandango and Khali will start things off. Fandango tries to kick Khali but he is simply pushed away and met with a big chop. Summer Rae is tagged in and that means Natalya must come in. The girls have a better series than their men and it ends with Summer kicking Natalya in the head and dancing around. Summer is taking down with a toe hold and she quickly tags Fandango back in. Natayla doesn’t leave and she tries to lock in the Sharpshooter on Fandango. He goes to the outside and messages with Hornswoggle. Khali comes into the ring and gets chopped down by a knees strike. Khali is about to gain control after Natalya slaps Fandango and he tags Summer. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter but Summer is about to roll her up for the win.
WINNERS: Fandango and Summer Rae
The Preshow panel talk about the matches that have happened so far.
Dean Ambrose makes his way down to the ring through the crowd with the championship around his waist.
Big E. Langston chalks up his hands and comes down to the ring, ready for impromptu United States Championship Match.
WWE United States Championship Match
Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Big E. Langston
Langston takes Ambrose down with a massive clothesline for two and starts to dominate this match off the bat. Ambrose goes for a crossbody but is met with a backbreaker. Ambrose tries to punch and chop Big E. but he no sells it. He hits Ambrose with a high knee to the gut and locks in a bear hug. Big E launches Dean over the top rope and he makes like he hurt his leg. Langston comes out to continue the attack but Ambrose is ready with an attack. Dean is looking for a countout victory but Langston gets back into the ring. Dean is now in control and he puts his knee against Langston’s head. Ambrose dropkicks Langston in the gut as he was held against the ropes.
Big E is about to power out of a Camel Clutch but Dean Ambrose locks in a sleeper hold. Langston explodes with several clotheslines and a back body drop. Langston goes for a big splash but misses. Langston its a belly to belly for two. Another splash by Langston and he gets two. He goes for the Big Ending but Dean gets out of it and heads for the hills. Langston chases after him and rolls him back into the ring. Langston is planted with a DDT for two. Langston spears Ambrose through the ropes. Ambroses refuses to get back in the ring and Big E. wins via countout.
WINNER via Countout: Big E. Langston
After the match is over, Big E. grabs Ambrose as he tries to leave the ring and bring him back into the ring and hits him with The Big Ending.
A recap the CM Punk vs. Paul Heyman and Ryback feud is shown as the Cell lowers.
CM Punk comes out to a massive ovation from the Miami crowd.
Ryback makes his way down to the ring alone.
Paul Heyman comes out in a sort of cherry picker. It takes him awhile to get to the ring. The cuts a promo about how he is Satan. The cherry picker puts Paul Heyman on the top of the cell.
Hell in a Cell Match
CM Punk vs. Ryback and Paul Heyman
In the ring, Ryback goes for a miltary press but he gets hit with a chop block and then gets the boots taken to him. CM Punk hits a Suicide Dive and grabs a Kendo Stick. Ryback rams CM Punk into the steel cage and begins to whack him with the stick as the fans chant, “Goldberg.” Back in the ring, Paul Heyman taunts Punk from the top of the cell as Ryback dominates in the ring. Ryback shoulderblocks CM Punk in the corner and then hammerthrows him into the other turnbuckle. Ryback is sent to the outside by Punk who goes to the top and hits and elbow on the standing Ryback. Punk brings out a table but he is sent into the steps by Ryback.
Ryback suplexes CM Punk against the cage several ties and taunts the fans. In the ring, Ryback hits a Back Suplex for two. Ryback hits the Backpack Stunner for two. He locks in a bearhug on Punk but he comes back with a crossbody. Punk hits the running high knee and goes for his springboard clothesline. Ryback catches him and hits a powerslam for two. CM Punk fights out of Shellshock and grabs the Kendo Stick. He wacks Ryback with it before hitting another high knee. Punk hits the Macho Drop for two. Punk grabs the stick again and begins to beat Ryback raw. Punk goes outside and brings the table into the ring. Ryback crotches Punk on the edge of the table before it can be set up.
Ryback hits the Meathook Clothesline for two and goes to set up the table. Punk hits Ryback in the balls and he lays on the table. Punk goes for the Macho Drop again and hits it, sending Ryback through the table. Punk whacks Ryback in the head with the Kendo Stick and nails the GTS for the win.
CM Punk grabs another Kendo Stick from under the ring and makes his way to the top of the Cell. Punk begins to beat Heyman like he was a government mule! Punk hits the GTS on Paul Heyman on the top of the cell as he declares himself The Best in the World!
A video about the Susan G. Komen foundation is shown.
Renee Young is backstage with Daniel Bryan, who cuts an emotional promo about his upcoming main event match against Randy Orton.
Los Matadores come out to the ring with El Torito
The Real Americans make their way to the ring with Zeb Colter in tow. He cuts a promo against the Matadores and the Miami crowd.
Los Matadores vs. The Real Amercians
Deigo and Antonio start things off for their teams. Deigo hits Cesaro with several hurricanranas before being dumped to the outside. On the outside, Swagger clips Diego’s leg and hits the Swaggerbomb followed up by the double stomp by Cesaro. The commentary for this match is hilarious! Cesaro with a necklock on Deigo but he fights out of it and dumps Swagger to the outside. He tries to tag in his brother Fernando. Cesero begins the big swing on Diego for around 31 swings. Cesaro goes for the cover but only gets two. Cesero gets hit with an enziguri and Diego makes the hot tag to Fernando. Fernando is taking out by Cesero and in the ring. Swagger locks in the Patriot Lock on Diego but are able to fight out of it and gets the win.
WINNER: Los Matadores
After the match, El Torito takes out Swagger, Cesero, and Colter.
A hype video for John Cena’s return is shown. He will face the World Champion, NEXT!
Alberto del Rio makes his way out to the ring to little reaction with the World Title around his waist while waving a Mexican flag.
John Cena makes his way down to the ring to the usual chorus of cheers and boos.
Lillian Garcia come in the ring and gives the champion and the challenger their championship introductions.
World Heavyweight Championship Match
Alberto del Rio (c) vs. John Cena
We start things off with a headlock to Del Rio but Del Rio quickly goes right for the injured arm. Shoulder thrust to Del Rio but it looks like Cena injured himself. Del Rio begins to hit Cena with a fury of punches but Cena comes back with a bulldog for two. Del Rio kicks Cena in his arm and he rolls out of the ring. Big boot by Del Rio to Cena and he follows up with another. Cena with a drop toe hold and goes for the STF. Del Rio fights out and hits a German Suplex. Del Rio begins to work the arm again. Cena dropkicks Del Rio but Del Rio comes back and stomps on Cena’s chest. Another arm-lock by Del Rio, trying work over the injured arm of Cena. Cena goes for the AA but Del Rio fights out and kicks Cena in the back. Del Rio goes for another dropkick but he is sent through the ropes. Del Rio hangs Cena up in the ropes and goes to the top, only to get met with a dropkick.
John Cena begins to hit his Moves of Doom. He goes for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and hits it. Del Rio fights out of another AA and hits a Backstabber for two. Del Rio goes for the Cross Armbreaker but Cena fights out and hits a Tornado DDT for two. Del Rio hits a top rope enziguri and motions for another but he can’t get it. Cena bounces off the ropes and takes a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker. Cena is hung in the Tree of Woe but Cena lifts himself up as Del Rio charges. Cena is on the top rope and hits a flying crossbody for two. Del Rio goes for the Armbreaker but Cena reverses into the STF and Del Rio gets to the ropes. Del Rio hits his Kneeling Superkick but only gets two. Del Rio has the Cross Armbreaker in on Cena’s bad arm. John Cena powerbombs Del Rio to break the Armbreaker. John Cena hits the AA on Del Rio and we have a new champion!
WINNER and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: John Cena
John Cena poses with his new World Championship and Damien Sandow chooses not to show up tonight.
The Pre-Show panel takes about the World Title match and then goes into taking about the Divas title match.
AJ Lee makes her way out to the ring with Tamina.
Brie Bella comes out to the ring with her sister Nikki.
Divas Championship Match
AJ Lee (c) vs. Brie Bella
AJ bitch-slap Brie to start off the match but is met by an elbow by Brie. Brie goes for several quick roll up but none of them work. AJ hangs Brie up in the ropes. AJ locks in a Dragon Sleeper hold but before Brie can gets out of it, AJ slams her head to the mat. AJ with neckbreaker and she begins to bounce around her downed opponent. Brie starts to fight out and nails AJ with a knee to the gut. AJ leaps up and lock in a Guillotine Choke onto Brie. Brie hits several dropkicks onto AJ and gets a two count. AJ sends Brie’s head into the ropes and goes for the Black Widow. Brie reverses into a Single Legged Boston Crab. Brie accidentally knees her sister in the head and AJ locks in the Black Widow for the win.
WINNER and STILL WWE Divas Champion: AJ Lee
Backstage, The Prime Time Players are playing WWE 2K14 when Bob Backland shows up and talk about how kids needs to read and write. The segment ends with Bob doing the Millions of Dollars Dances with Titus and Young.
A hype video for the WWE Championship Match is shown.
HBK comes out in his referee shirt but gets his opening pryo to the delight of the fans.
Randy Orton slowly makes his way down to the ring.
Daniel Bryan comes out to a sea of Yes chants.
HHH comes down to the ring with the WWE Championship in his hands.
The champion and challenger get their championship introductions.
WWE Championship Match
Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan
The match begins with a slugfest before Orton tosses Bryan to the outside. Bryan comes back into the ring and is met with a powerslam by Orton. Bryan goes for the missile dropkick and follows up with several kicks to Orton’s chest. Orton catches Bryan with a dropkick. Orton hangs Daniel up in the ropes and then smashes him into the Cell wall. Orton sends Daniel into the Steel Steps. Orton grab the steps and rams them into Bryan shoulder. Orton tries to whip Bryan into the stairs again but Bryan reverses and sends Orton into them. Bryan begins to smash Orton’s head into the Steel Steps and The Cell Wall. Back in the ring, Bryan gets a two count. Orton gets hit with several kicks and gets hung up in the tree of woe where he gets hit with a missile dropkick. Orton gets dropkicked over the top rope and then gets hit with a suicide dive.
Bryan goes for another but Orton sends him flying into the Steel. Orton crotches Bryan on the ring post on the outside and follows up with his patented backbreaker. In the ring, Orton gets a two count. Orton sits Bryan on the top rope and goes for the Superplex. Daniel Bryan reverses it into a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. We soon have a European Uppercut Battle between Orton and Bryan. Daniel hits his signature clothesline and nails Orton with two dropkicks in the corner. Daniel Bryan hits a top rope hurricanrana and goes for the Headbutt. He only gets a two count. Daniel goes for the Buzzsaw Kick but Orton reverses and rolls up Bryan for two. Orton is about to slither out of the Yes Lock and on the outside, Bryan rams Orton into the Cell wall. He dropkicks Orton into the wall and pulls a chair out from under the ring.
Daniel begins to chop Orton down to size with those chair shots. Daniel Bryan is looking under the ring and pulls out every chair he can find, which is at least 10. Orton pokes Bryan in the eyes and begins to attack Bryan with chair shots. Orton hits several big chair shots and goes for the cover after each of them, only getting 2 counts. Orton stacks up the chairs in the middle of the ring. Orton puts Bryan up on the top rope and suplexes him. He misses the pile of chair though and gets a two count. HHH makes his way down to the ring and tells HBK to do his job. Orton clears the ring of the chair and hits a T-Bone Suplex on Orton. HBK can’t make the cover because he is arguing with HHH. Orton comes out and he yells at HBK. Bryan tries to get Orton in the Yes Lock but Orton reserves into the Viper DDT.
Orton is shoved into HBK by accident and we have a classic ref bump. HHH orders for the Cell door to be opened so HBK can be check on. HHH gets hit with a Knee from Bryan. HBK superkicks Daniel Bryan for attacking his friend. Orton goes for the cover and HBK counts it.
Your WINNER and NEW WWE Champion: Randy Orton
The Viper stands tall,still being the FACE of the corporate company.....